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The Broadcast December 17th

Greetings travelers, As in life, when creating something you hope people will like, there are ups and downs. There are some days when all the creative energy in me is gone and I feel discoraged and hopeless, and there are other days when there is no end to my ideas and work chugs on swimmingly. Since I started trying to start this story for the first time, I've had more than my fair share of both, but this is just the first book, and only the beginning of a bigger story. I'm determined to get Tails of Silver Feathers done so that you can have the satisfaction of reading what you've patiently waited for, and I can get the satisfaction of having finished something. Unfortunately, expanding the book is taking longer than expected, which does mean the plan to publish in February is just too soon. I hate to set a date only to have to push it back out of your reach and lower your expectations, so until I have a clear picture of how much longer it will take me to finish TSF, I will not be posting or announcing a publishing date. Not everything I have to say today is bad news however. I refuse to have you wait so long and not give you something. Tails of Silver Feathers consists of two parts; a narrative story, and a portion that reads more like a history book. I have decided to release the history parts for free on my website on February first, this will give me time to get just those parts edited, however even then they may go through more editing later, in which case the version that will be posted on the website will be updated accordingly. I'm sorry it's taking so long, and I hope reading a part of the book will give you a window into the story that is coming. Along this same vein, I've been trying to decide exactly what book should come next after TSF. Originally the place in the storyline I had decided to start was not a good place. Currently I'm looking to start the main series of Traveler's Quest after Tails of Silver Feathers with the first book of that series; Wings of Light, but we'll see when TSF is finished.

In other news, I have a youtube channel. However, I have nothing on it, and the channel is sitting there, collecting dust. In the past when I tried to make a comedy analysis series, real life got in the way and I had to take a break from creating. Now, I'm planning to come back. Unfortunately it's been so long that the comedy analysis series, is looking to be a bust, so it will be scrapped. The good news is, I'm looking into a possible video version of this blog on that channel. Moving the Broadcast from this blog to youtube would be a big step, so I set up a poll so that you can let me know what you want me to do ( If you haven't already, please consider visiting my discord. The link to it is on the community page, just click the swirly galaxy to hop on and join us. Stay safe during these viral times, and God bless you on your traveles.

Vox Chronos

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