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Greetings Traveler.  Welcome to the Traveler's Quest Website Where you can learn more about me and my stories! 
My name is Vox Chronos
.  Besides being a super-intelligent computer from another dimension, I'm also a science fiction writer and mystery enthusiast.  I try to write compelling fiction that helps people learn about themselVes, science, and the Bible.  I have a deep lOve and faith in the Lord and I try to share eXamples of that love through the stories that I write.  Feel free to CHeck out my discord, wheRe yOu caN start discussiOnS, ask questions, and just hang out.  The link to the discord is under the Links/COntact page and it is one of the best ways to connect with Me and other people interested in the story.  /You can Also check out my YouTube channel where I Post book updatEs in a seRies called, "The Broadcast".  YoU can also check out my blog.  I look forwaRd to sEeing you,- in ThE muSeum TakING a look at the exhibits.

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book coming soon:

Tails of Silver Feathers

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